Known Worlds > Fountainhead


Location: Omari Globular Cluster
Diameter: 8,900 km
Water coverage: 40%
Climate: Semi-arid to desert
Population: 200 million (99% Nietzschean, %1 miscellaneous)
Update: In the waning days of the Nietzschean Uprising, Fountainhead was bombarded from orbit and rendered completely uninhabitable. Drago Museveni's remains were retrieved and have since changed hands several times. They currently reside on Enga's Redoubt, the homeworld of the Drago-Kazov Pride (see Known Worlds: Enga's Redoubt).


Previous Information: A small, rather inhospitable planet, Fountainhead is famous as the home of Ayn Rand Station, the birthplace of the Nietzschean offshoot of humanity. Chosen and named by Nietzschean founder Paul Museveni, Fountainhead was selected for settlement not in spite of, but because of its isolated location and harsh climate. It was here, away from the disapproving gaze of others, that Museveni wished to put his theories on building a better human into action. By now, of course, the Nietzscheans have spread themselves across known space, but Fountainhead remains a spiritual center of Nietzschean life, home of several universities, genetic research facilities and-most importantly - the preserved remains of Drago Museveni, eldest son of Paul and Nietzschean Progenitor.